Njoftime Pune ne Vlore, Profesioni Berber , Me eksperience, Pagesa 40,000 Leke. Vlore

Njoftime Pune 17/10/2024 16:08 Post ID: 386404


40,000 Leke

Berber, Eksperienca Pune: Me eksperience
👷 Pune Full-Time/Kohe te plote i Brendshem
Arsimi Minimal Profesionale
Preferohet mosha 25-35 Vjece
Qyteti - Zona Vlore - Qender
Adresa Bulervardi Ismail Qemali - Harta
Lexime 2
Kerkohen Berbere

Kriteret e nevojshme:
• Aftesi komunikative te gjuhes Angleze; njohja e gjuheve te tjera perben avantazh.
• ⁠Diplomim ose certifikim si berber.
• ⁠Eksperience pune e meparshme perben nje plus por nuk eshte thelbesore.

Kandidatet e interesuar mund te na kontaktojne per me shume detaje ne numrin e meposhtem:
Location: Vlore

Barbers Wanted

- Strong communication skills in English; knowledge of other languages is an advantage.
- Graduation or certification as a barber.
- Previous experience is a plus, but not required.

Interested candidates can contact us for more details at the following number:
Location: Vlore