Njoftime Pune ne Tirane, Profesioni Projektues , Me eksperience, Pagesa Me Marreveshje. Tirane

Njoftime Pune 17/08/2024 05:09 Post ID: 344158


Me Marreveshje

Projektues, Eksperienca Pune: Me eksperience
👷 Pune Full-Time/Kohe te plote i Brendshem
Arsimi Minimal Master
Preferohet mosha E Pa Percaktuar
Qyteti - Zona Tirane - 21 Dhjetori/Rruga e Kavajes
Adresa Bulevardi Gjergj Fishta Tirane,Shqiperia - Harta
Lexime 901
<Mundesi punesimi!

<Zyra jone e projektimit ne Tirane kerkon te zgjeroje stafin e saj me projektues junior (me te pakten 2 vite pune) dhe senior (me te pakten 5 vite pune).

<Fokusi i aktivitetit tone jane projektet jashte vendit dhe per kete qellim kerkojme:

<Inxhinier strukturist

<Inxhiner infrastrukture

<Inxhinier elektrik

<Inxhiner hidroteknik

<Inxhinier mekanik

<E nje rendesie te vecante eshte njohja e BIM dhe perdorimi i suites Autodesk.

<Preferohet gjithashtu qe te interesuarit te njohin gjuhen Italiane dhe/ose ate Angleze.

<Te interesuarit te dergojne CV ne adresen
[email protected]

<Employment opportunities!

<Our design office in Tirana seeks to expand its staff with junior designers (at least 2 years of work) and senior designers (at least 5 years of work). The focus of our activity are projects from abroad and for this purpose we are looking for:

<Structural engineer

<Infrastructure engineer

<Electrical engineer

<Hydrotechnical engineer

<Mechanical engineer

<Of a special importance is the knowledge of BIM and the use of the Autodesk suite and/or equivalent according to the relevant discipline. It is also preferred for the candidates to have knowledge of Italian and/or English languages.

<Those interested should send their CV to the mailing address:

[email protected]