Job Offers in Tirana, Profession Asistente Zyre , No Experience, Payment 2,000 Euro. Tirana

Job Offers 07/07/2024 21:24 Post ID: 318549


2,000 Euro

Asistente Zyre, Work Experience: No Experience
👷 Full-Time Job/Internal Full Time
Education I Mesem
Age E Pa Percaktuar
City - Zone Tirana - Komuna e parisit/Stadiumi Dinamo
Address Rruga Komuna e Parisit Tirane,Shqiperia - Maps
Reads 2796
Kompania nderkombetare MG Recruitment kerkon te punesoje asistente zyre ne Tirane.

Detyrat / Pergjegjesite:
- kerkim tregu;
- telefonata me kompani nderkombetare dhe dergimi i informacionit;
- raport javor/mujor etj.
- data entry

Kapaciteti profesional:
- nivel i larte i gjuhes angleze;
- Preferohen gjuhe te tjera
- njohuri baze te softuerit baze kompjuterik

- te jete fleksibel me oraret

Dorezimi i dokumentit:
– CV dhe foto;

Nuk kerkohet eksperience pune.
Mundesi te disponueshme me kohe te plote ose te pjesshme.

Shenim: Jo te gjithe kandidatet do te kontaktohen, vetem ata qe do te perzgjidhen paraprakisht.

Aplikimi mund te dergohet ne e-mail: [email protected]

Me shume informacion
 Rruga/Zona e Komunes se Parisit
 Oferta per paga 2000 €/muaj me kohe te plote
 Kontaktoni: [email protected]


MG Recruitment international company is looking to hire a new office assistant in Tirana.

Duty’s / Responsibility:
– market research;
– phones calls with international company’s and submission of the information’s;
– weekly / monthly report etc.
– data entry 

Professional capacity:
– high level of English language;
– other languages are preferrable
– basic knowledge of computer basic software

– to be flexible with the schedules

Document submission:
– CV and photo;

No experience required.
Full time or part time opportunities available.

Note: not all candidate will be contacted, only the ones which will be preselected.

Application can be send to the e-mail: [email protected]

More Information
 Rruga/Zona  Komuna e Parisit
 Salary Offer  € 2000/month full-time

Afati i fundit i aplikimit: 04/12/2024 14:29