Job Offers in Durres, Profession Marangoz ose ndihmes Marangoz . , With experience, Payment 70,000 Leke. Durres

Job Offers 22/06/2024 12:34 Post ID: 311112


70,000 Leke

Marangoz ose ndihmes Marangoz . , Work Experience: With experience
👷 Full-Time Job/Internal Full Time
Education Baze
Age E Pa Percaktuar
City - Zone Durres - Zone Periferike
Address Adresa : Rruga \Aleksander Goga \ , Durres - Maps
Reads 159
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Mobileri "Edi Bregu" kerkon te punesoj Marangoz ose ndihmes marangoz.
Kushte shume te mira pune me makineri te teknologjise se viteve se fundit.
Paga ne baze te eksperinces !

Per me shume na kontaktoni :

Whtps :
Instagram : mobileri_edi
Facebook : Mobileri "Edi Bregu "
Email : [email protected]
Adresa : Rruga "Aleksander Goga " , Durres
Afati i fundit i aplikimit: 30/09/2024 12:34