Job Offers in Saranda, Profession Ndihmes ekonomiste , With experience, Payment By Agreement. Saranda

Job Offers 18/06/2024 14:04 Post ID: 290428


By Agreement

Ndihmes ekonomiste, Work Experience: With experience
👷 Full-Time Job/Internal Full Time
Education Bachelor
Age E Pa Percaktuar
City - Zone Saranda - Qender
Address Sarande - Maps
Reads 1140

Kompania T2ISFA shpk ne  filialin Vrion Finiq Sarande.

Kerkon te punesoje Ndihmes EKONOMISTE

-Te kete njohuri per programet Bilanc  ose Financa 5.

-Te kryej plotesimin dhe rregjistrimin e faturave te shitjes - blerjes.

-Orari i punes 7.30-16.00.

-Pagesa e kenaqshme.

Transportin e mbulon kompania.

💵 Page e mire

🔷Transportin e mbulon kompania 

Ju mirepresim!